10AM Morning Service
6PM Evening Service
7:30PM Midweek Bible Study
7PM Refuge Youth

There is a place for you here.
Are you looking for a place where you can feel hope as soon as you enter the building?
Whoever you are. Wherever you are in life. Whatever you may be looking for. We welcome you! Come just as you are this coming Sunday at 10AM or 6PM.
If you have never had the opportunity to be in a Spirit-filled service before, you will discover that the oldest form of worship on earth is a brand new experience for you. Join in with us as we praise God together in spirit and in truth.
The Pentecostals is a diversified ministering body founded upon the Word of God. As such we believe, teach, and apply the Apostle’s doctrine.
We are a safe place for you and your family. Founded in 1948, we have been a part of this wonderful Gainesville community for generations.
With such a great family it is no small surprise that we have a lot of activities. There is definitely a place for you!
My Church + App
You can download our church app from the App Store, Google Play, Amazon Store, and even find it on your Roku or Apple TV devices as a channel. Use the DOWNLOAD NOW button to see all the available options. And check out the LEARN HOW TO USE IT button to watch a video that walks you through the app features.

Come say Hello!
Are you new to the Gainesville area? Are you looking for a home church? Are you looking for a safe place for your family to grow? Maybe you’re interested in a Bible Study? Tell us more!